This is our frequently asked questions page, where you can find relevant answers to the most common questions that our office receives. If you have an additional question that you do not see listed below, please head over to the contact tab and submit it to us. We will be more than happy to answer all your questions!
Note: Replies may take anywhere from 24-48 hours. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
How will I know if services are covered ?
The Innovative Wellness Center LLC, DOES NOT accept insurance.
In the event that an individual is also interested in joining our medical weight-loss program, please be advised that the Innovative Weight-loss Center LLC. has its own TAX ID# that is not in-network with any insurance companies. With that being said, individuals coming in for the program will be expected to pay our cash price. If interested in learning more about our self pay pricing, please call and speak with one of our highly trained customer service representatives!
Finally, we ask that individuals who see Heather Pavlinsky for both, Primary Care and Medical Weight-loss specify when scheduling with the front desk, what service they wanted rendered at the visit so our facility can bill accordingly. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to helping you become stronger and healthier!
What is your cancellation policy?
Although we understand that emergencies can happen, we kindly ask that individuals provide us with at-least a 24-hour notice if they are unable to keep their appointment. If the 24-hour notice is not given and/or an individual does not show for the scheduled in-office appointment, the $50 deposit that was made for your initial consultation becomes non-refundable.
If I am interested in multiple services from your facility, do I schedule separate appointments?
In the event that you are interested in other services under the supervision of Heather Pavlinsky, it is your responsibility to advise the front desk when scheduling. This is to ensure that we are blocking enough time in the schedule for Heather. Our office cannot guarantee that there will be enough time in her schedule for an individual to be seen for multiple services at one appointment. However, we will try our best to discover a date and time that accommodates everyone's schedule.
Where are you located?
322 Armbrust Road (Scenic Link Offices) Suite 102 - Youngwood, PA 15697
** Get on depot street, cross over the train tracks and head up the hill
** Once up the hill, you will see WCCC on your right
** Keep driving on that road and then you will come to a little curve in that road
** On that curve we are on the left in the scenic link offices with orange cones
** This is directly across from the magistrate's office
** When in the parking lot, we are on the bottom right suite 102
Who is your collaborative / Medical Director?
Aldino Pierotti MD
Anti-Aging & Longevity Center
Preventive Medicine
5840 Ellsworth Ave Ste 304, Pittsburgh, PA
Tele: (412) 404-2939
What are your COVID-19 Regulations?
1) All Individuals who feel ill and/or recently exposed to someone with COVID-19 must make the office aware of this and either schedule a virtual visit or reschedule their appointment to a later date.
2) We align to stay in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
3) If you test Positive for Covid19 Please let us know as we can utilize alternative entry for your visit.
4) Individuals that have recently traveled are required by the Pennsylvania Department of Health to quarantine for a 10 day period if they do not have a negative pcr covid-19 test. If you have been traveling, please let our facility know this before coming into your appointment. We do offer COVID-19 testing, therefore, we would be able to perform the test and then move your appt back until your results come in.
For more information on what traveling regulations exist from the Pennsylvania Department of Health , please visit their website at Travelers (pa.gov).
We want to thank you for your patience during this challenging time, as we work towards keeping you and our staff safe!